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High School Internships

young woman smiling and walking with textbooks and folders

High School interns bring energy and a willingness to learn to your organization. Build your talent pipeline while offering students valuable work-based learning experiences, setting them up for success in both business and life. Explore the mutually beneficial partnership with our high school talent pool. 

For more information, please see Internship Contact Information below.

High School Internships and Other Work-Based Learning Opportunities

Work-based learning (WBL) is sustained interactions with industry or community professionals in an actual worksite environment and available in different formats. WBL opportunities in combination with identified Career & Technical Education (CTE) courses support strong secondary and postsecondary education opportunities and help students to apply classroom instruction in a real-world business or service-oriented work environment.

WBL experiences also provide value in helping students network with business/industry representatives, enhance each student’s career goals and interests, and cultivate employability skills. Each business mentor can offer insight on current workforce trends and skills necessary for success in our local and global economy.

While not required, participants in work-based learning experiences can continue work with their placement companies after high school graduation and, sometimes, even after college graduation.


For the Worksite Sponsor

  • The sponsor receives assistance from a participating school’s Career Development Coordinator and CTE Teacher of Record in developing training plans, consulting on training needs, and serving as points of contact throughout the training period.
  • The sponsor has an opportunity to develop future employees over an extended “trial” period without any obligation for long-term and/or full-time employment.
  • Helps increase critical understanding of the work environment for potential future workers through a “trial” period.


For the Community

  • The number of young people making a successful transition from school to work is increased, thereby adding to the number of workplace-ready individuals who become economically productive and support a skilled pipeline.
  • A continuing partnership of school and community businesses and other organizations is developed.
  • The community’s work force and economic stability are improved by enhancing local students’ employability skill sets.


Types of Work Based Learning


A one-on-one relationship with an employer that provides “hands-on” learning in a career area of student interest. A training plan outlines the expectations of and responsibilities of both parties. The student works regularly during or after school for a specified time period in exchange for the employer’s time in teaching and demonstrating. The internship shall include a minimum of 120 hours of work for a high school elective credit OR a minimum of 40 practical On-the-Job Training (OJT) hours embedded as part of an approved CTE course.


Youth Apprenticeship

Begins in the eleventh grade for students who are age 16 and older. This activity combines classroom instruction (at both secondary and post-secondary levels) with one to two years of on-the-job learning, and results in a “certification of mastery” of specific technical skills. A youth apprentice may matriculate to a Registered Apprenticeship program after high school. These types of apprenticeships may or may not include financial compensation. Must be approved by the region’s Apprenticeship Coordinator, CDF, and the BCSD CTE District Office.


Health Sciences Internships/Clinicals 

Provides students with opportunities to explore a variety of health careers, develop knowledge and skills related to healthcare, and transition from the role of student to that of healthcare professional. Students can rotate among local healthcare related facilities to develop an awareness as part of a training agreement. Nurse Aide students complete a minimum of 40 clinical hours in an approved skilled nursing facility and only available per approved programs by the BCSD CTE Office. Clinicals must be planned and supervised cooperatively by the teacher of record and the training sponsor. In the classroom, students are expected to master the essential knowledge and skills of health science coursework prior to participation in this experience such as HIPPA laws.


Cooperative Education

Programs that coordinate a high school CTE course of study with a job in a field related to the CTE course objectives. The CDF, teacher of record, and participating businesses develop a written training and evaluation plans to guide workplace activities in coordination with classroom instruction. A minimum of 40 hours is required as part of the CTE course for Career Readiness indicators.



Internship Contact Information

Battery Creek High School
Ashley Smith
[email protected]


Hilton Head Island High School
Dr. Angie Williams
[email protected]

Beaufort-Jasper Ace
Angela Dixon
[email protected]


Hilton Head Prep
Charmin Lee
843-671-2286 ext.572
[email protected]

Beaufort High School
Valencia Kinlaw-Scott
[email protected]


Heritage Academy
Sandy McGuire
[email protected]

Hilton Head Christian Academy
Parker Collins
[email protected]


Whale Branch High School
Lakeshia Doctor
Lakeshia[email protected]

Bluffton High School
Katie Cox
[email protected]


May River High School
Ashlee James
[email protected]