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Diverse Abilities

two women and a service dog

Expand your workforce and offer meaningful employment opportunities to individuals with diverse abilities. The Beaufort County disAbilities Coalition team is here to guide you, providing support along the way. Explore the potential of those with diverse abilities and unlock the advantages of an inclusive and dynamic team.

For more information, please contact [email protected]

Resources & FAQ

For Employers, Employees, and Job Seekers (Source: US Small Business Administration and the US Department of Labor.)

What is a disability?

A disability is considered a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. Individuals with disabilities often need workplace accommodations—a modification or adjustment to a job, the work environment, or the way things are usually done during the hiring process.

How can my business benefit from hiring a person with a disability?

Now more than ever, businesses are finding it challenging to locate and recruit talent. Hiring disabled individuals can help businesses meet their talent needs. By hiring people with disabilities, businesses can:

● Expand their pool of talent
● Create a culture of diversity
● Meet their workforce needs
● Foster creative business solutions
● Generate goodwill among customers including customers with disabilities and their networks

Businesses benefit when they value and appreciate each person for their individual differences and experiences. By investing in recruiting, hiring, and retaining talent—including people with disabilities—businesses can give themselves a competitive edge and demonstrate their commitment to inclusion.

How can my business create a culture of inclusivity?

Creating an inclusive culture isn’t hard, but it does take some planning and commitment. The following guidelines are a starting point to assist you with common recruiting and workplace issues. For detailed information on creating an inclusive culture, check out the Inclusion@Work framework from the Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN). EARN is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL).

How can I write an inclusive job posting?

The first step in this process is to write a good job description. The job description should be used to delineate tasks, duties, and expectations for both the employer and the employee. An inclusive job description should define expectations and identify potential accommodations that can enable employees to perform their job successfully and benefit all job seekers. EARN offers a guide to writing an inclusive job description.

How can I find qualified talent?

The goal of the recruitment process is to attract and identify individuals who have the best mix of skills and attributes for the job available. Ensuring that all qualified individuals—including those with disabilities—can take part in the process is essential to achieving this goal. It is important to know where to look to find candidates with disabilities beyond the traditional recruiting processes.

How can I customize my employee search?

Customized employment strategies help businesses identify low-cost, low-tech methods for improving labor effectiveness and task distribution to assure a mutually rewarding employment partnership. These strategies aid in recruiting workers with disabilities who are well-suited based on their skills, talents, and experiences to meet the specific needs unique to a small business. The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office on Disability Employment Policy has developed significant resources, videos, and research to support employers in implementing customized employment strategies within their recruitment and hiring processes.

I’ve hired a person with a disability? Now what?

You have completed the hiring process and after applications and interviews you have found the right person for the position. If your new employee has a condition that requires accommodations, be sure to fully understand what that means and how you can meet your new employee's needs so they can perform at their best. As a professional you know how to treat your employees and your new employee should expect nothing less.
If you find you still have questions please send them to [email protected] and our volunteers will do our best to help find the answer. Above all we want success for all parties on all fronts. Hiring a person with disabilities is a powerful first step towards building an environment of inclusion and acceptance. It also means you look for abilities and not just disabilities.

Will I need to do anything different if I employ a person with a disability?

Discuss what accommodations or customized training might work best for each person and be open to the new employee's insights. Respect that they know more than anyone else about what makes them comfortable and maximizes their productivity. Work to build mutual trust and understanding.


Etiquette and Disabilities - Using proper etiquette need not be confusing or daunting. A person with a disability wants to be treated as any other employee: with dignity and professional respect. These resources offer helpful tips and first person insights.


United Spinal Association

Disability Resource Community


Vocational Services

The Beaufort County Department of Vocational Rehabilitation provides services to local businesses and employers to assist with hiring and training.

Vocational Rehab Business

The Beaufort County disAbilities Coalition - The mission of the Beaufort County disAbilities Coalition is to enhance the lives of persons with disabilities in Beaufort County and the Lowcountry by working together to provide, improve or expand needed services and opportunities for them and their families. We have taken note that employment is a key area of life that should be addressed and a specific Workforce Development Committee was formed in 2023 to work on this issue.

People with disabilities can work, want to work, and should be afforded every opportunity to work. Hire Me SC is a campaign that promotes a culture of inclusion across the state of South Carolina, one in which employment for every individual, disability or not, is the norm rather than the exception.

Small Business Administration

Customized Employment -Potential Funding and Employer Support Information

Office of Disability Employment Policy Natably--a free App designed to help you as a job seeker understand and leverage your natural talents.

For local access code and user assistance, please contact: [email protected]

The Arc of SC - Disability Resource Directory - Find many local and state employment resources.